Actura FlipRobot E300 Starter Kit. Compatible with Chromebook Include Educational Resources, Coding Samples.

Actura FlipRobot E300 Starter Kit. Compatible with Chromebook Include Educational Resources, Coding Samples.
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Robotic learning is the most effective educational solution to acquire critical STEAM skills for a student's future success. Innovative robotic architecture and design, combined with it's intuitive coding platform, the E300 learning kit inspires students to develop higher order thinking skills and apply robotic concepts to real world scenarios. Encompassing creativity, design thinking, and computational thinking, the FlipRobot E300 empowers students to embrace and lead innovation.

Educational Resources

  1. Robotic Pet Training

Overview Robotics technology has expanded from industrial automation to everyday life; including pets. Imagining robotic puppy, a faithful companion that follows its master everywhere. In this Robotic Pet Training challenge, students will design and code man's best friend. Mission 1: Instruct your FlipRobot puppy to walk. DOWNLOAD Mission 2: Teach your puppy to chase its tail. DOWNLOAD Mission 3: Teach your puppy to speak. DOWNLOAD Mission 4: FlipRobot puppy off the leash. DOWNLOAD Coding Sample 1: Wall Dodger Overview With this code, E300 will keep going forward until an obstacle is placed in front of it. DOWNLOAD Coding Sample 2: Maze Runner Overview Students code E300 to complete a complex maze challenge through ultrasonic sensor obstacle avoidance. DOWNLOAD Coding Sample 3: Cool Dog Overview This program commands E300 to behave like an aggressive dog. The robot will follow if the student moves back. However, if the student is brave enough to move toward the Robot, it will back away. DOWNLOAD