CambridgeMATHS Stage 4 NSW Year 8 : Cambridge MATHS

Stuart Palmer
CambridgeMATHS Stage 4 NSW Year 8 : Cambridge MATHS

CambridgeMATHS Stage 4 NSW Year 8 : Cambridge MATHS
ISBN: 9781108466271
Publication Date: 13 September 2018

CambridgeMATHS NSW Years 7-10 Second Edition combines a proven teaching and learning formula and complete syllabus coverage with a new level of innovative digital capabilities to guide students through Stages 4 and 5 mathematics and prepare them for success in Stage 6.

The second edition of CambridgeMATHS NSW Years 7-10 retains all of the features that have made this series so popular, and now offers a new level of digital support and important revisions and additions to address the needs of a wider range of students and provide even greater support to teachers.

What's new in this edition:
1. Exercises have been revised so that there is an improved flow from the Key Ideas and worked examples to the exercise questions. Understanding and Fluency questions are grouped together as are Problem Solving and Reasoning questions to allow a smoother gradient of difficulty throughout the exercise, and to better reflect the interconnected nature of the Working Mathematically components.
2. Three separate working programs are now discretely embedded in every exercise offering Building, Progressing and Mastering pathways through the text to provide more support for differentiated learning. Chapter tests have increased from one to four per chapter and are written at three levels of difficulty.
3. Powered by the Cambridge HOTmaths platform, the Interactive Textbook and Online Teaching Suite offer effortless and immediate navigation to powerful digital resources:

  • Videos for key examples.
  • Workspaces in the Interactive Textbook that allow students to complete all activities online.
  • Self-assessment tools that allow students to assess their own working and alert the teacher to questions that they don't understand.
  • Embedded Desmos Interactive Widgets and an interactive...