Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions : A Tactical Playbook for Managers and Executives

Keith Rosen
Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions : A Tactical Playbook for Managers and Executives

Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions : A Tactical Playbook for Managers and Executives
ISBN: 9780470142516
Publication Date: 1 February 2008

About the Author.Acknowledgments.Introduction.Chapter One: The Death of Management.Becoming an Executive Sales Coach.But Iâm Already Coaching . . . .Making the Shift from Sales Manager to Executive Sales Coach.The Missing Discipline of Sales Coaching.Defining the Role of a Sales Coach.A Coach versus a Mentor.Nine Barriers to Coaching a Sales Team.Consultant, Trainer, or Coach?Managers Donât Have Time to Manage.Understanding the Commitment to Coach Your Sales Team.Get a Coach for the Coach.Five Core Characteristics of the Worldâs Greatest Sales Coaches.Chapter Two: The Coachâs Mindset: Six Universal Principles of Masterful Coaching.Managementâs Eternal Conundrum.Hitting Rock Bottom.You Canât Coach What You Fear.The Strong, Fearful Leader.Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 1: Make Fear Your Ally.Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 2: Be Present.Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 3: Detach from the Outcome.Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 4: Become Process Driven.Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 5: Be Creative.Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 6: Become Fully Accountableâfor Everything.The Top 19 Excuses Managers Use to Justify Why Salespeople Fail.Chapter Three: Six Fatal Coaching Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.Coach the Relationship with Their Story.Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 1: Believing the S.C.A.M.M.âA Managerâs Most Elusive Adversary.Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 2:Wanting More for others than TheyWant for Themselves.Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 3: Are You Coaching Your Salespeople or Judging Them?Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 4: Coaching Isnât about the Coach.Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 5: Share Ideas, Not Expectations.Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 6: Mismanaging Expectations: Are You Preparing Your Sales T...