Goldenhand : Goldenhand

Garth Nix
Goldenhand : Goldenhand

Goldenhand : Goldenhand
ISBN: 9781760528300
Publication Date: 7 January 2019

The fifth book in the New York Times bestselling Old Kingdom series.

Lirael is no longer a shy Second Assistant Librarian - she's now the Abhorsen-in-Waiting, with a new hand, one of gilded steel and Charter Magic. When she discovers Nicholas Sayre lying unconscious, she uses her powers to save him. But the attack has left Nicholas tainted with Free Magic, so together they embark on a dangerous journey to seek help at Lirael's childhood home, the Clayr's Glacier.

A young woman from the distant North is travelling to meet them bearing a message from Lirael's long-dead mother, Arielle. It is a warning about the Witch with No Face. But who is the Witch, and what is she planning? Lirael must save the Old Kingdom from this great danger - and it must be forestalled not only in the living world but also in the cold, remorseless river of Death.

About the Author

Garth Nix has been a full-time writer since 2001, but has also worked as a literary agent, marketing consultant, book editor, book publicist, book sales representative, bookseller, and as a part-time soldier in the Australian Army Reserve.

Garth's books include: the YA fantasy Old Kingdom series, including Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, Clariel and Goldenhand; SF novels Shade's Children and A Confusion of Princes; and a Regency romance with magic, Newt's Emerald. His fantasy novels for children include The Ragwitch, the six books of The Seventh Tower sequence, The Keys to the Kingdom series and others. He has co-written several books with Sean Williams, including the Troubletwisters series, Spirit Animals Book Three: Blood Ties, Have Sword, Will Travel, and the forthcoming sequel Let Sleeping Dragons Lie. A contributor to many ant...