Holdson Teachatot (Original Artwork)

Holdson Teachatot (Original Artwork)
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Holdson Teachatot (Original Artwork)

Teachatot has been specifically designed to help children learn simple spelling and arithmetic. You can help your child develop spelling skills by selecting a picture card and asking the child to find and identify the letters making up a word. All 144 pieces fully interlock.

As a family business Holdson has a desire to provide entertainment and value to puzzle enthusiasts. Their jigsaw puzzles have been described as nostalgic, creative, comical, timeless, challenging, but most of all fun! Puzzles represent different things to different people. Some people love to puzzle because it gives them "me" time, some relish the cognitive challenge, whilst others enjoy sharing the passion with family and friends. Whatever the reason and whatever your age, Holdson has a puzzle for you.
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