Logic and Philosophy: An Integrated Introduction

University of Notre Dame Press
Logic and Philosophy: An Integrated Introduction

The dual purpose of this volume-to provide a distinctively philosophical introduction to logic, as well as a logic-oriented approach to philosophy-makes this book a unique and worthwhile primary text for logic and/or philosophy courses. Logic and Philosophy covers a variety of elementary formal and informal types of reasoning, including a chapter on traditional logic that culminates in a treatment of Aristotle's philosophy of science; a truth-functional logic chapter that examines Wittgenstein's philosophy of language, logic, and mysticism; and sections on induction, analogy, and fallacies that incorporate material on mind-body dualism, pseudoscience, the "raven paradox," and proofs of God.

Publisher: University of Notre Dame Press

Published: United States, 15 June 2006

Format: Hardcover, 228 pages

Dimensions: 23.6 x 15.8 x 2.3 centimeters (0.49 kg)

Writer: Brenner, William H.

About the Author

William H. Brenner is professor of philosophy and religious studies at Old Dominion University and author of Elements of Modern Philosophy and Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations.