Low Carb High Fat No Hunger Diet : Lose Weight with a Ketogenic Hybrid

Veronica Childs
Low Carb High Fat No Hunger Diet : Lose Weight with a Ketogenic Hybrid
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Low Carb High Fat No Hunger Diet : Lose Weight with a Ketogenic Hybrid
ISBN: 9781499793253
Publication Date: 4 June 2014

Lose Weight with the Low Carb High Fat, No Hunger Diet

What if we told you that you can lose a considerable amount of weight before you have to put on that bridesmaid dress next month? In time for your vacation? Or drop enough weight in the first 10 weeks to fit into your high school jeans - just in time for that high school reunion? (One of the Low Carb High Fat Diet authors did it, you can too!)

Does that sound like something you'd like to achieve?

What if you don't have to count every calorie or be hungry while losing weight? Or be stuck eating like a rabbit.

"This diet already sounds too good to be true."

We aren't trying to convince you that this is the Holy Grail of weight loss - but it is hard to curtail our excitement. Both of us - a 50 year old mother and her 20 year old daughter - lost over 30 pounds each; easily and effortlessly by following this set of diet protocols.

Here's how this began:

We were sick of being large and unhappy. Tired of being tired. Fed up with our lack of confidence.

This weight gain had to stop. Mom had already received a worrisome report from her doctor.

We studied diets, nutrition reports, research studies, and listened to other dieter's feedback. Next we compared notes and devised our own diet; one we thought might work for us.

And work it did! Following just a few simple guidelines we ate our fill of our favorite foods. We cut out a few others.

People noticed the change. They asked us to share the diet.

At first we shared recipes, but they wanted more. We answered private messages, personal emails, and the multitude of questions asked of us in public. When a few friends started losing weight the way we we'd shared, friends-of-friends began asking for our secrets.

That's when we sat down and got to work wri...