Sarah's Story : Life After IVF : A Story of Personal Triumph and Spiritual Growth

Danielle Aitken
Sarah's Story : Life After IVF : A Story of Personal Triumph and Spiritual Growth
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Sarah's Story : Life After IVF : A Story of Personal Triumph and Spiritual Growth
ISBN: 9780648400097
Publication Date: 4 September 2018

Sarah's Story depicts one woman's journey before, during and most importantly after infertility by sensitively giving a heartfelt account of the reality and the emotional rollercoaster that is IVF, but it is much more than that.

The story serves as a metaphor for anyone struggling to overcome adversity, as it shines a light of hope which leaves the reader feeling empowered by the ability we all possess to bring ourselves back from the depths of despair.

Sarah's Story will move you from tears of sorrow to tears of joy as it provides a compelling insight into human potential and a person's capacity to turn their life around finding hope, meaning and inspiration where none previously existed.