The Master and Margarita : Vintage Classics

Mikhail Bulgakov
The Master and Margarita : Vintage Classics

The Master and Margarita : Vintage Classics
ISBN: 9780099540946
Publication Date: 7 January 2010


The devil makes a personal appearance in Moscow accompanied by various demons, including a naked girl and a huge black cat. When he leaves, the asylums are full and the forces of law and order in disarray. Only the Master, a man devoted to truth, and Margarita, the woman he loves, can resist the devil's onslaught.

About the Author

MIKHAIL BULGAKOV (1891- 1940) was born and educated in Kiev where he graduated as a doctor in 1916. He rapidly abandoned medicine to write some of the greatest Russian literature of this century. After a lifetime at odds with the stultifying Soviet regime, he died impoverished and blind in 1940, shortly after completing his masterpiece, THE MASTER & MARGARITA. None of his major fiction was published during his lifetime.