Zip 91292 Global Plus Water Filter 3.0 Micron

Zip 91292 Global Plus Water Filter 3.0 Micron

The Zip 91292 Global Plus 3.0 Micron water filter is ideal for areas with high sediment loading while protecting you from chemicals, chlorine and other contaminants.

The unique 91292 Global Plus 3.0 Micron Cartridge Filter reduces dirt, rust, sediment, chemicals, chlorine, taste & odours from your water supply while protecting you and your appliance from harm.

This filter is the ideal solution for clients experiancing short filter life with the traditional 0.2 Micron Zip Global Plus filter range. While still providing adequate filtration and protection for your unit, this filter could be the choice for regional townships with varying water supply quality.

For health reasons, never use carbon filters which are more than 12 months old.

Alternative Filter Cartridge - Zip 91290 Global Plus 0.2 Micron Water Filter