Grab The Home (Shipped from Hong Kong) Profile

  • Catch member since January 2018
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  • Approved online Catch seller since January 2018

Grab All Kinds of Creative Home&Livings and Furnitures In Our Store

You may return most new, unopened items with original tags and packaging, sold and fulfilled by Grab the Home within 14 days of delivery for a full refund. However, some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.

If you aren’t satisfied with your purchase, you may be eligible for a return or exchange depending on the situation and the type of item you have purchased.

If we shipped you wrong item: You have two options: 1) exchanging it for the correct item, or 2) returning it for a full refund. Customers must confirm their eligibility for an exchange or return with Customer Service before sending the items back. In many cases, you have 7 days after receiving your order to contact Customer Service and request a return or exchange. Make sure to read the Product-Specific policies below for more details (when applicable) and exceptions.

If we shipped you an item in the wrong colour: You are eligible for a full refund after Customer Service confirms you received the wrong colour. Please note that perceived colour differences due to the display settings of your computer monitor are not grounds for a refund.

If an item is missing from your order: Contact our Customer Service to inform about the missing item from your order. Once we confirmed that an item was missing, we will offer a full refund of the item value or initiate the replacement process.