Pen Pot-pourri Profile

  • Catch member since July 2019
  • Seller rating
    Platinum Seller
  • Approved online Catch seller since July 2019

Quality stationery and art materials for drafting, scrapbooking, bullet journals, graphic novel, and general illustration and your other project needs.

A huge range of pens, inks, markers, pencils, mechanical pencils, pan paints and much more can be found in our online shop.


We accept the return of goods within 30 days of the arrival of your order, provided the product you purchased meets one of the following:

  • Arrived in a damaged state.

  • Is a faulty item.

  • The item you received is not as ordered

If the delivered goods meet one of these above conditions, please contact us first, so that we will be able to arrange a free return for you.

If the reason for a return does not fall within any of the categories in the above list, however, you believe that you are eligible for return or refund, please send us a Catch message for discussion of the matter.

We would like to hear and discuss the problem/s you believe necessitate your purchased good's return.

Once the return process is completed (goods returned to us) we will either exchange the item or refund your payment, (as agreed during the previous contact).

Return and Exchange postage will be covered by us subject to the customer following our return instructions as emailed to the customer after our approval of return and exchange.