PriceDumb Profile

  • Catch member since May 2021
  • Seller rating
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  • Approved online Catch seller since May 2021

Did I price it right? PriceDumb - Great prices & quality every day.

Return accepted within 30 days of the customer’s order being received for as long as the product/s is/are:

  • as new and are not used, worn, or opened and have all original packaging and tags intact (including any package seals (if any) being unbroken)

  • in a resalable condition

  • not damaged in any way

  • The customer bears the risk of return and is responsible for the costs of return postage.

  • The goods will only be refunded once the goods are confirmed as received, and you must notify us of this once they are received and verified to meet the return requirements above. The initial shipping fee charged to the customer to send the goods will not be refunded or credited.

  • Where a customer returns goods as a change of mind return, and the goods do not meet the criteria set out in this clause, the goods must be sent back to the customer at the customer’s cost. If the customer does not agree to pay for the goods to be sent back, you may negotiate a resolution with the customer.

If faulty, buyer provides evidence, we can pay for return delivery, or replace. After 30 days, the buyer can return or get a replacement for warranty purposes. Most items have 1-year manufacturer's warranty, or warranty under Australian Law (30-60 days warranty for some items).

Please contact us via the Catch Messaging Portal.