LifeWise Australia Dry Dog Food Ocean Fish with Lamb & Vegetables Large Bites 18kg

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LifeWise Australia Dry Dog Food Ocean Fish with Lamb & Vegetables Large Bites 18kg
Boost your dogs health with LifeWise Ocean Fish with Lamb and Vegetable Large Bites Kibble.

Holistic and biologically appropriate, the LifeWise Ocean Fish with Lamb and Vegetables dry dog food is a premium Australian-made pet food with unique large bite sizes to accommodate your dogs needs. This scientifically formulated dog food composition contains zero gluten, soy, corn, wheat, or dairy to prevent stomach upsets and irritated skin conditions caused by allergies and food intolerances. Made with fresh wild caught tuna, Australian lamb, vegetables, and herbs, this protein-rich dog food formula is loaded with natural nutrients and is fortified with vitamins and minerals for a balanced diet.

Gentle on the stomach, this dog food formula contains kelp, garlic, Yucca schidigera, and yeast extracts make digestion easier and improve overall gut health. The added fish oil provides extra essential fatty acids to help improve skin health, fur coat, and even joint health. Rice is the main grain and carb for this premium GMO-free dog food blend, giving your pet energy and an alternative carb source.

Fun Fact About LifeWise: If youre a Meals for Mutts fan, youll be happy to hear that the founder and creator behind LifeWise is also Bill Wiadrowski, an animal nutritionist with over 50 years of experience developing carefully and strategically nutritional pet food that fully nurtures and nourishes your animal companion.


  • Australian-made holistic and balanced dry dog food formula featuring fresh wild caught tuna, Australian lamb, fish oil, and lamb fat
  • 100% Australian made with Australian-sourced ingredients that are biologically appropriate for your dog to consume and achieve optimal health
  • Unique large bite kibble to suit your dogs needs ideal for large dog breeds
  • Contains a high amount of essential omega fatty acids to help heal common skin conditions (e.g., irritated, flaky skin) and provide added nutrition for your pet
  • Infused with extra vitamins and minerals for a complete and balanced dog food option
  • Includes garlic, kelp, yeast extracts, and Yucca schidigera to promote healthy gut bacteria growth and improve digestion
  • Blended with vegetables and herbs like spinach, alfalfa, and parsley for added pet-friendly nutritional benefits
  • No gluten, dairy, wheat, corn, or soy for a hypoallergenic formula great option for dogs with sensitive stomachs or food intolerances
  • Created by Meals for Mutts founder and expert pet nutritionist, Bill Wiadrowski

Package Sizes Available:




Improve your dogs digestive system and overall well-being with the holistic LifeWise Ocean Fish with Lamb and Vegetables Large Bites formula.