Shop Australian prepaid SIM cards at Catch Connect!

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Here at Catch Connect, we’re bringing you the very best in Australian prepaid SIM cards - direct from Catch Connect, straight to your door! It’s never been easier to shop for prepaid mobile phone plans! Just choose from one of our amazing value Catch Connect plans, and we’ll deliver the SIM directly to you, no matter where you are! How easy is that?!

All we need you to do is have a phone ready to go and you too can experience no hidden fees, no lock-in contracts and unlimited, that’s right, UNLIMITED standard national talk and text! Talk about value! We’re not lying when we say we’re one of Australia’s cheapest SIM-only plan providers. Shop at Catch Connect today and SAVE!


Discover Australia’s Cheapest SIM only plan

When you purchase a SIM only plan from Catch Connect, you’re getting unlimited calls and texts with EVERY plan! The only thing that changes is the amount of data you’re getting. Each of our plans come with a certain amount of gigabytes. So the more you spend, the more gigabytes you’ll have to use. But what exactly is a gigabyte? And how do they work?

Let’s start with the basics. Data is the computer code behind all the media we consume. It is measured in BIT’s which is the smallest unit of measurement for data. From there it goes to bytes to kilobytes to megabytes to gigabytes. For mobile phone plans, measuring in gigabytes is perfect. On a mobile plan, 1GB of data will get you approximately 3,500 emails, 5,800 web page views, 1.5 hours of streaming or 16 hours of music. That's a whole lot of data for just 1GB.

So, don't miss out! Experience one of Australia's cheapest SIM-only plans at Catch Connect!