What is the Cheapest Way to Have a Mobile Phone?

Most people want to have a mobile phone while enjoying the best prices but don’t know how to have their cake and eat it too.

So the question lies with how can you enjoy a great phone in the cheapest possible way?

Seems like a head-scratcher, right?

Well, there are actually a few great ways that you can better your chances of getting a mobile phone for a great price. So let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to save some money

Tip One: Consider Timing

Timing is everything. A lot of these tips actually have timing attached to them because they make some of the other options possible. For example, when carriers get a phone from the manufacturers, they’re given an MSRP, which is short of the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Carriers can choose to use this as the price or set their own. They usually set their own with the phone, and extras provided are factored into the price.

The price of a phone fluctuates every month. The price can change depending on a multitude of factors. The time of year for one, as in holiday seasons. A product's life cycle, planned promotions and new releases can all drive the price down. It’s easy to figure out when these price drops are going to happen, so keep an eye out.

Tip Two: Deals

Think about the holiday seasons and how they can provide many specials for consumers. For example, Christmas, Cyber Monday, and the biggest of all, Black Friday. This is the best time to find some of the best deals on cell phones and mobile plans. Companies even have their own special events, which can cause a dramatic price drop. Think of events like Apple’s Back to School Promotion, Amazon Prime Day, etc.

Tip Three: Unlocked Options

Buying an unlocked phone means forking over a full payment at first. However, in the long term, it’s a money saver. When you purchase an unlocked mobile phone, you’ve got the option to flirt with various carriers until you find the best one for you. On top of that, you’ve got the ability to save money on the phone overall, thanks to a lack of hidden fees.

Tip Four: Previous Models Over The Latest Models

Some people may not be able to stomach the thought of getting a previous model over the latest available model. However, suppose you can find it in yourself to sacrifice the latest product and get what is most likely an incredibly similar product. In that case, you’ll save a ton of money. As soon as newer models are released, then you’ll find the previous models become heavily reduced.

Tip Five: Shop Online

Sometimes (and this is not always the case), online retailers offer the same phones at better prices. This even includes online retailers that have physical stores too. This can be through online-exclusive deals, discounted activation fees, and numerous other types of special offers.

Tip Six: Trade-In

Sometimes (and this is not always the case), online retailers offer the same phones at better prices. This even includes online retailers that have physical stores too. This can be through online-exclusive deals, discounted activation fees, and numerous other types of special offers.

Tip Seven: Cheap Phone Plans

The most obvious way to save money is to find the cheapest phone plan offers that carriers have. If you can’t afford the latest iPhone or Samsung phone, then look for a model that works for you and your budget. Some of the phones in the lower price ranges are still great phones. They just might lack some features you really wanted. Unfortunately, when you’re on a budget, you’ve got to consider the limitations in your choices.

Tip Eight: Refurbished Phones

This is another option some people turn their nose at, but a refurbished phone is almost the same as a new phone. Refurbished phones are phones that were once used. However, the phones have been traded in, and in that process, they were refurbished. This means they were given new parts (such as ram, LCD, etc.) to make sure that they were in 100% working condition. As if they were fresh out of the box.

Tip Nine: Compare Carriers

Carriers all offer a very similar array of products. Where they differ is the price of their plans and the aspects offered in that plan. You might come across the same prices, but see that one carrier clearly offers a lot more than the other. It’s important you understand the options and choose the best one based on your budget, needs, and wants in a mobile phone and mobile phone plan. At Catch Connect, we pride ourselves on our highly competitive mobile phone plans. Check them out!

Tip Ten: Second Hand

Second-hand can be a risky bet. This isn’t the same as a refurbished model, which has had numerous parts replaced to get the phone as close to new as humanly possible. The phone is bought as is, which can mean defects, scratches, and other issues. Sometimes you get extremely lucky and find a deal on a great phone, but it takes some searching. As long as you do your research and know that there’s a sense of risk involved, you can approach this option with a clear head.


Saving money on a mobile phone is far easier than you may believe possible, but all it takes is some concessions. You may not have the newest model as it drops in stores, but you’ll have saved a lot of money. Speaking of saving money, check out our plans so you can save money on data, talk, and text. We’ve got options for new and existing customers that are well worth the look. We’ve also got extras that are sure to make you even more connected.