Martin & Pleasance Rest & Quiet Pet Formula Oral Drops 15ml

Martin & Pleasance
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Martin & Pleasance Rest & Quiet Pet Formula Oral Drops 15ml
<p><br />Rest&amp;Quiet Pet Formula is traditionally used in Bach Flower Remedies to calm &amp; support your pet in times of stress, worry or change in environment. An alcohol free, 6 remedy formula, specifically tailored for your pets to give them the emotional support to restore resilience &amp; inner calm. Manufactured to Dr Bach&rsquo;s original potency, method &amp; specifications. <br /><br /><B>Chestnut Bud</B> &ndash; To establish how to learn from previous experience &amp; prevent repeating the same mistakes. <br /><B>Clematis </B>&ndash; For pets that seem emotionally sad, distant and &lsquo;out of it&rsquo;. Will restore grounding &amp; focus.<br /><B>Heather </B>&ndash; May influence calm &amp; understanding. May be useful when pets feel lonely or are creating noisy attention.<br /><B>Mimulus </B>&ndash; Useful in times of stress &amp; fear, for sensitivity around noise, strangers &amp; environment.<br /><B>Impatience </B>&ndash; Useful in situations of impatience, irritability &amp; lack of co-operation.<br /><B>Star of Bethlehem</B> &ndash; For mental, emotional &amp; physical shock or fear. Allows acceptance of the inevitable. <br /><br />Suitable for all animals, including Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Horses &amp; Birds.</p> <br> <br>May be suitable for: <BR>-<span style='white-space:pre'> </span>Stressed pets <BR>-<span style='white-space:pre'> </span>Seasonal and noise triggers, like fireworks or thunderstorms <BR>-<span style='white-space:pre'> </span>Shock, fear or separation anxiety <BR>-<span style='white-space:pre'> </span>Social tension between humans or other animals<BR>-<span style='white-space:pre'> </span>Travel related a