Rit Dye Powder Whitener and Brightener

Rit Dye
Rit Dye Powder Whitener and Brightener
Shop all Apparel Fabrics

Safely whitens whites and brightens colours without bleach.

Ideal for whites with coloured trim or prints.

Safe for all washable colourfast fabrics including cotton, polyester blends, nylon, rayon, wool, linen and silk.

Laundry Treatment

Packet 1oz (28.4g)

White - Wash

Stain Remover & Whitener for Non - Bleachable Whites

White - Wash for white fabrics only.

Safely removes or lightnens stains, and whitens non-bleachable fabrics.

* Whitens dingy white fabrics including lingerie and other delicate washables.

* Works on stains on white fabrics such as grass, grease, lipstick, rust, etc.

* Safe for ALL white fabrics that can be washed in hot water.

Rit Whitener boosts detergents' whitening and brightening abilities without the use of bleach.

Use periodically to help keep whites white and colours bright.

Rit Color Brightener brightens colours and safely removes or lightens stains from colours and whites.

Amount To Use:

Sink: 1/2 pack + Normal amount of detergent

Washer: (small, Medium) 1 pack + Normal amount of detergent.

Washer (large,Extra-Large) 2 pack + Normal amount of detergent.

Directions inside the carton