100 Best Flies for Colorado Trout - Paperback

Wild River Publishing
100 Best Flies for Colorado Trout - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Thomas R. Pero | ISBN-13: 9780974642796 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Wild River Publishing | Publication Date: 2010-04-01 | Pages: 200 | Product Dimensions: 133.35 x 177.8 x 17.78mm | Weight: 344.7302012g |

Outlining the dozens of traditional and innovative trout flies specifically designed for Colorado's lakes and rivers, this guidebook features superb photographs and accessible instructions, making it an ideal companion for any fly-fishing enthusiast. With authentic advice from six notable fly designers and knowledgeable anglers, this authoritative resource covers all types of bait--from dry flies, nymphs, and streamers to midges, terrestrials, scuds, and sow bugs.