101 Things to Do in Martha's Vineyard - Hardback

Schiffer Publishing Ltd
101 Things to Do in Martha's Vineyard - Hardback

Product detail - Author: Gary J. Sikorski | ISBN-13: 9780764349539 | Format: Hardback Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Ltd | Publication Date: 2015-11-30 | Pages: 152 | Product Dimensions: 177.8 x 254 x 19.05mm | Weight: 816.466266g |

Take an informative journey of 101 things to do and see in the popular summer playground island of Martha's Vineyard, off the coast of Massachusetts. Through 231 stunning photographs, explore the streets lined with majestic white-clapboard captains' mansions in Edgartown, reach for the brass ring on a Victorian carousel in Oak Bluffs, hike the scenic clay cliffs in Aquinnah, pick blueberries right from the bush in Chilmark, and feast on a freshly steamed lobster as the sun sets over the fishing village of Menemsha. Whether it's your first trip to the island or you're a frequent visitor, you are sure to find something new and exciting that Martha's Vineyard has to offer.