2PK Waproo Platinum Liquid Renovating Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish Black

2PK Waproo Platinum Liquid Renovating Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish Black

2PK Waproo Platinum Liquid Renovating Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish Black
The Liquid Renovating polish is a wax based polish that effectively covers scuff marks and scratches. Buffs to a brilliant shine. Restores colour to scuffed leather shoes leaving a natural finish. With a built-in sponge applicator for convenience and ease of use. Helps prolong the life of footwear.

Key Features:

  • Restores scuffed shoes with wax-based formula
  • Rejuvenates footwear with built-in applicator
  • Enhances shoe longevity with brilliant finish
  • Efficient polish for scuff marks and scratches

Package Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 4 (cm) Total Weight: 0.5kg

Ingredients: ;
Lanolin, Beeswax, Paint

2 x Waproo Platinum Liquid Renovating Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish Black

Product is not a toy or intended for use by children