2PK Waproo Platinum Scuff & Buff Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish & Clean Pad

2PK Waproo Platinum Scuff & Buff Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish & Clean Pad

2PK Waproo Platinum Scuff & Buff Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish & Clean Pad
Scuff and Buff is neutral in colour and ideal to touch up and restore colour to your footwear. The built-in sponge applicator allows for easy application to cover up any scuffs or marks on leather footwear. Instantly rejuvenates dry and lack lustre waxy and oily tanned leathers. Prevents drying and cracking.

Key Features:

  • Neutral color for efficient touch-up on footwear
  • Sponge applicator covers scuffs on leather
  • Treats dry leather for shiny finish
  • Prevents cracking and drying of shoes

Package Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 4 (cm) Total Weight: 0.5kg

Ingredients: ;

2 x Waproo Platinum Scuff & Buff Leather Dress Shoe/Boot Polish & Clean Pad

Product is not a toy or intended for use by children