2x Dudley's World Of Pets Dog/Cat/Pet Round Bamboo Dual Fur Brush Maintenance

Dudley's World of Pets
2x Dudley's World Of Pets Dog/Cat/Pet Round Bamboo Dual Fur Brush Maintenance

2x Dudley's World Of Pets Pet Bamboo Dual Brush Pet Care
Dudley's World Of Pets introduces the innovative Pet Bamboo Dual Brush, designed to keep your furry friends looking their best. This unique grooming tool features two sides, with one side consisting of soft bristles for gentle brushing and the other side featuring sturdy metal pins for effective removal of tangles and mats. Made from sustainable bamboo, this brush is not only eco-friendly but also durable and long-lasting.

Key Features
Premium high quality materials
Durable Design
Perfect for your pets



Dimensions Approx.

2x Dudley's World Of Pets Pet Bamboo Dual Brush Pet Care