2x Rosewood Hanging Giant Mirror Stimulate Bird Pet Interactive Cage Toy w/ Bell

2x Rosewood Hanging Giant Mirror Stimulate Bird Pet Interactive Cage Toy w/ Bell

2x Rosewood Gigantic Mirror With Chime

The Gigantic Mirror with Chime is a traditional form of bird enrichment that has been a favorite for years.

This amusing and captivating toy provides birds with mental and physical stimulation, allowing them to demonstrate their natural behaviors and instincts.

The mirror aspect of the toy serves as a social stimulator for birds who are highly social creatures.

They can interact with their reflection and even communicate with it, which can provide them with mental and emotional stimulation.

Birds love to hear the sound of chimes and other tinkling objects, and this can keep them engaged and entertained for hours.

The Gigantic Mirror with Chime is a great way to keep your bird happy and healthy.

It can prevent boredom and destructive behavior such as feather plucking, which can occur when birds are not mentally stimulated.


2 x Mirror w/ Chime