3pc Kookaburra Sport Replacement Cricket Batting Grips Set Blue/Yellow/Red

3pc Kookaburra Sport Replacement Cricket Batting Grips Set Blue/Yellow/Red

3pc Kookaburra Replacement Cricket Batting Grips Set
Play your way with Kookaburra Sport. Our range of cricket grips allows players to customise their bat to their liking, helping their equipment better match their playstyle. Available in a range of textures and colours, Kookaburra Sport’s collection of grips allow you more control over your bat, giving you more accuracy when batting. Especially where you’re adjusting to a new, larger bat, the right grips can help to smooth the transition, offering more control by altering the centre of balance away from the tip of the blade.

Key Features / Specifications
Designed to fit most cricket bats
Durable design
Optimised to give a soft yet firm grip

Dimensions Approx.
30cm - Grip Length

1 x 3pc Kookaburra Cricket Batting Grips Set

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