(49 to 52mm) - Hama Filter Adapter Ring for 49mm Lens and 52mm Filter

(49 to 52mm) - Hama Filter Adapter Ring for 49mm Lens and 52mm Filter
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Size Name: 49 to 52mm

On replacement of your camera lens with one of a different size - or when acquiring an additional camera - replacing all your old filters or purchasing a new set can be costly. Hama provide a quick, easy and cost effective solution for fitting your filter to a different size camera lens with their range of filter adapter rings, including this one for fitting a 52mm filter onto a 49mm lens. Costing considerably less that its filter equivalent, each ring is formed out of the highest quality precision metal rings for a firm, reliable fit to both lens and filter that you can rely on. Furthermore, the durable nature of the design also means that the adapters can be used again and again with very little wear and tear, being fitted to and removed from the lens with very little hassle. Compact in design, the rings are extremely easy to transport, fitting easily in a camera kit bag or even your pocket if necessary so you can transport them with you to all those important photo shoots and events. If you choose to carry several different cameras or lens with you, Hama filter adapter rings can also be easily swapped between them so you can change to a different filter or transfer a filter between different size lenses to achieve the perfect shot.

Brand: Hama

Other Information: 00014952

Dimensions: 10.8 x 9.3 x 1.6 centimeters (0.02 kg)