(50 color) - 50 Skeins Stranded Deal CXC 100% Cotton Thread

(50 color) - 50 Skeins Stranded Deal CXC 100% Cotton Thread

Colour Name: 50 color

"Each skein is double mercerised to create more shiny effect and smooth sheen for your projects. CXC Stranded Cotton is the most versatile embroidery thread and can be used for freestyle and counted thread embroidery and is particularly popular for Cross Stitch. Use it with combination with Wool, Metallic Thread, Silk Thread and Rayon Thread floss Package: 50 pcs CXC Cross Stitch Floss; DIY Silicone fondant mould x1(free gift)"

Brand: Doyeemei

Other Information: KR1128||us

Dimensions: 17.6 x 12.8 x 3.6 centimeters (0.14 kg)