7 Keys to a Winning CV - Paperback

Harriman House Publishing
7 Keys to a Winning CV - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Mildred Talabi | ISBN-13: 9780857191588 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Harriman House Publishing | Publication Date: 2010-10-01 | Pages: 96 | Product Dimensions: 139 x 217 x 14mm | Weight: 144g |

Do you want to create a CV but don't know where to start? Have you been out of work for a while and need to get back on the career ladder? Are you confused by the conflicting messages of what makes a good CV? Whether you are on your first, second or tenth CV, this dynamic book provides a very simple step-by-step guide to creating a CV that gets interviews! You will learn: how to grab the employer's attention in just 30 seconds; how to present your skills and experience for maximum impact; common CV crimes and mistakes and how you can avoid them; the seven essential keys to a great CV; and, how to create a cover letter that gives your CV the edge. "7 Keys to a Winning CV" is packed full of good-quality, practical advice delivered in a straightforward manner. If you are new to the job market or returning after a career break or recent redundancy, this book will equip you with the tools, knowledge and confidence you need to move forward in your work life.