A Question of Refinement

A Question of Refinement
A QUESTION OF REFINEMENT is the debut collection by Hayden Church. Challenging the reader to think about modern problems in peculiar ways, this debut features quirky, idiosyncratic language and forms that showcase Hayden Church's unique approach to poetry. Hayden Church's poetry has been featured or is forthcoming in Apocalypse Confidential, Safety Propaganda, The Kudzu Review, Tragickal, and The Florida English Journal, among others. REVIEWS ★★★★★ "Hayden's poetry is a gentle red light, asking you to stop for a moment to listen to the birdsong, to look at the flowers blooming in the wet rain." ★★★★★ "We love Hayden Church" ★★★★★ "A good book to read on your porch on a windy day."