Absolute Expert : Pandas

National Geographic Kids
Absolute Expert : Pandas

Absolute Expert : Pandas
ISBN: 9781426334313
Publication Date: 18 December 2019

From adorable giant panda cubs to saving bamboo forests in China, get the latest giant panda insights straight from the field from National Geographic explorer and conservationist Marc Brody.

Ready to go on a search for giant pandas in mountainous bamboo forests? Travel to China to learn all about these black-and-white bears so YOU can become an absolute expert. Get up close with giant pandas in the wild and see where they make their home in the misty mountains. Learn about their bamboo diet and how they lumber through the mountains, searching for tasty bamboo shoots. Read about panda cubs and how their mothers take care of them. You'll learn about the giant panda's habitat and why preserving it is so vital for the panda's survival.

On this journey to China's mountains, National Geographic Explorer Marc Brody will be your guide. He'll give you all the latest facts from the field and even share what it's like to put on a panda suit and hang out with furry panda cubs. You'll get to know these roly-poly bears in this cool book, filled with amazing images, special features, wacky trivia, and more.

About the Author

The National Geographic Kid is curious about the world around them, empowered in the face of challenges and responsible for others and the natural world. Combining these principles with the international educational heritage of Collins, this partnership is a natural fit for books that are funny, weird, exploratory, educational and loved by children.