Acer Negundo 'Box Elder Maple' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Acer Negundo 'Box Elder Maple' Seeds

Acer Negundo 'Box Elder Maple' - 8+ Seeds

Acer negundo is a fast-growing tree that grows up to 10-25 m tall, with a trunk diameter of 30-50 cm.
It often has several trunks and can form impenetrable thickets.

The typical lifespan of box elder is only 60 years. Under exceptionally favorable conditions, it may live to 100 years.

A stunning Autumn deciduous tree.

Seed Starting Method Raise seedlings and plant out
Sowing Depth 10mm
Growing Season Winter & Spring (need cold to germinate)
Germination Time 28 days
Hardiness Protect from wind hen young
Plant Spacing N/A
Plant Height 20m by 9m
Planting Position Partial or full sun
Days Until Maturity Plant out when seedling show signs of good root development.
Growing tips

Cold treat in the fridge for a few weeks before sowing or place your sown seeds outside in winter ready for spring/summer germination.

Do not be to quick to discard pots that haven't yet shown signs of seed germination. Seeds will often lay dormant until conditions are optimal and will produce amazing results, long after they have been forgotten.