Admiralty Jurisdiction : 5th edition

Damien J. Cremean
Admiralty Jurisdiction : 5th edition

Admiralty Jurisdiction : 5th edition
ISBN: 9781760022389
Publication Date: 8 June 2020

Now in its fifth edition, Admiralty Jurisdiction , has expanded to include the law of the United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa and India in addition to Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. It is a comprehensive account of admiralty jurisdiction – law and practice – in these jurisdictions.

The scope of the book, its detailed analysis and its clear presentation of information makes it a valuable resource for admiralty and maritime law practitioners and judges.

“The value of a book such as this which surveys the Admiralty law of several jurisdictions (in a convenient and systematic fashion) is that those who advise or represent admiralty claimants or defendant shipowners (and the judges who have to resolve their disputes) can, by examining the law of other jurisdictions, identify the direction in which the law of their own jurisdiction should develop and perhaps where their own law has taken a wrong turning.” – From the Foreword by the Hon. Justice Teare, the Admiralty Judge and Judge in charge of the Commercial Court, London