Advance Adult Small Breed Chicken with Rice Dry Dog Food 8kg

Advance Adult Small Breed Chicken with Rice Dry Dog Food 8kg
ADVANCE Adult Toy/Small Breed Dry Dog Food Chicken is a super premium food for dogs with select natural ingredients. Contains nutrients to support dental health, digestive health, immune health and a healthy skin and shiny coat, ADVANCE is proven to improve the health of your pet in six weeks. Features and Benefits- Chicken is the the #1 ingredient - Contains enhanced levels of zinc and linoleic acid. These nutrients along with natural sources of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids have been shown to help improve skin & coat condition - Contains scientifically proven levels of Vitamin E to help increase the level of antioxidants in your pet. Antioxidants help prevent cellular damage and provide a natural defence for your pet against Australia's harsh climatic conditions - Beet pulp and inulin act as natural prebiotics which promote healthy bacteria in the gut, resulting in smaller, firmer stools - The inclusion of Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) binds salivary calci • Dog Size: S