Alfresco Picnic Basket Baskets Wicker 4 Person Deluxe Outdoor Insulated Blanket

Alfresco Picnic Basket Baskets Wicker 4 Person Deluxe Outdoor Insulated Blanket

4 Person Picnic Basket

Made from quality willow with PU leather straps and cotton linen lining, this sensational 4 person picnic basket is designed for outdoor family and friends picnic fun. Putting away the devices, grab some picnic food and physically reconnect. 4 sets of cutlery are included for 4 people to enjoy an afternoon of outdoor fun. The package includes a cheese board and a large colour matching blanket. This 4 person picnic basket is perfect for the races, harvest picnics, grape grazing events, Christmas and summer gatherings! You'll be surprised how often it will be used.


  • Crafted from quality willow with faux leather accents
  • A colour matching ground blanket
  • Stainless steel cutleries with plastic handles
  • With a shoulder strap on the side for easy transportation
  • Fastenings to keep cutlery, cups, plates and corkscrew in place
  • Comes with a corkscrew, 1 set of salt & pepper shaker and a cheese board
  • Perfect for outdoor gatherings with your family and friends