All the Stars Left Behind

Ashley Graham
All the Stars Left Behind

All the Stars Left Behind
ISBN: 9781633756830
Publication Date: 11 July 2017

Getting shot isn't how Leda envisioned starting her first school year in Norway. Stares as she uses her crutches, sure. Whispers about her crooked back, probably. But stepping between a gunman and the other neighborhood newbie, a quiet boy named Roar, nearly gets her killed-and reveals the truth behind every mystery in her life.

About the Author

Ashley Graham grew up in a small town in Ontario, Canada. For her thirteenth birthday, her grandparents took her to visit the United Kingdom, sparking a love of all things European. Since then, she has lived in the UK and Norway, and now calls Los Angeles home.

She began writing to combine her love of history, aliens, and science fiction with kick-butt heroines who don't need a white knight. Her obsessions include vegan cooking, books, tea, nail polish, and online shopping.