Alnus Cordata 'Italian Alder' Seeds

Hakin Plants and Seeds
Alnus Cordata 'Italian Alder' Seeds

Alnus Cordata 'Italian Alder' - 20x Seeds

The Italian Alder Tree is a deciduous tree, it will be 8 - 10 m high when fully grown. The leaves are cordate and the flowers are red.

A highly attractive tree which is often noted for its similarity in looks with a pear tree. It is pyramidal/conical in shape and very hardy.

A very versatile tree and can be grown in either wet or dry sites of parks and gardens as a specimen/feature tree or in rows which act as a windbreak.

Italian Alder's like sun to half-shade and a well draining soil.

Seed Starting Method Raise seedlings and plant out
Sowing Depth 10mm
Growing Season Spring/Summer
Germination Time 28+ days at around 21c+
Hardiness Perennial
Plant Spacing N/A
Plant Height 10m x 8m
Planting Position Partial or full sun, moist well manured soil but will tolerate most conditions
Days Until Maturity N/A
Growing tips Cold/warm water treatment is recommended. You can keep these seeds in cold/warm water for up to a few days but please ensure the water is changed daily. This soften the seeds well enough to encourage them to sprout once planted in soil.
Ensure temperatures are consistent and warm for germination.
Keep soil moist but not wet, consider covering your pots in cling wrap.
Use a heat mat if you live in a cooler region.
Follow growing sheet instructions contained with your order regarding 'hardening off' periods, prior to completely planting out.