Always a Rebel: Ricardo Flores Magón and the Mexican Revolution

Texas Christian University Press,U.S.
Always a Rebel: Ricardo Flores Magón and the Mexican Revolution

Once described as the primary mover behind the Mexican Revolution, Ricardo Flores Magon was a liberal journalist working in Mexico in 1900. By 1910 and the Revolution, he was a radical anarchist in exile in the United States. Always a Rebel studies Magon's transformation during those crucial ten years, placing his changing ideas in the context of the liberal movement in Mexico, government suppression, the development of the Partido Liberal Mexicano in the United States, and thwarted attempts at revolution in 1906 and 1908. The first work to concentrate on Flores Magon himself, Always a Rebel makes clear the journalist's significance in Mexican history and explains modern Mexico's growing appreciation for him.

Publisher: Texas Christian University Press,U.S.

Published: United States, 28 February 2004

Format: Paperback, 236 pages

Other Information: 16 b/w photographs, bibliography, index

Dimensions: 23.4 x 15.3 x 1.6 centimeters (0.36 kg)

Writer: Albro, Ward S.

About the Author

Ward Albro teaches history at St. Mary's University in San Antonio. He is also the author of To Die On Your Feet: The Life, Times, and Writings of Praxedis Guerrero (TCU Press, 1996). Albro accepts the truth of the old saying, ""when once the dust of Mexico has settled on your heart, you cannot then find peace in any other land."" He enjoys sharing the dust with others.


..".a careful biography with the narrative grace of a novel."