American Dream Glitter Tattoo

Captain America
American Dream Glitter Tattoo
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No, it's not Captain America ;-- it's the AMERICAN DREAM! WHO? American Dream! In the not-so-distant future, Sharon Carter's niece, Shannon Carter, is understandably a HUGE Captain America fan. As an Olympic-level athlete and a superior martial artist, she took her Cap fandom to the next level and became the new Cap-themed superhero! ; So, if you're looking to celebrate Captain America, his legacy, and the next generation of Avengers, our American Dream Glitter Tattoo is the perfect ;bit of ready-to-wear tattoo technology. This glitter-filled American Dream symbol -- based on Captain America's symbol -- is very easy to apply. Seriously, no fuss, no muss. Just slap it on and go about your business. *Manufacturer's instructions included on the packaging. *For adults ages 14+.