Ani Trime's Little Book of Affirmations: 52 Illustrated Practices for a Peaceful and Open Mind - Hardback

Storey Publishing LLC
Ani Trime's Little Book of Affirmations: 52 Illustrated Practices for a Peaceful and Open Mind - Hardback

Product detail - Author: ,Ani Trime | ISBN-13: 9781635861846 | Format: Hardback Publisher: Storey Publishing LLC | Publication Date: 2019-10-01 | Pages: 136 | Product Dimensions: 91 x 121 x 17mm | Weight: 332g |

This unique book features the wise, funny, and uplifting affirmations of Ani Trime, a Buddhist nun and beloved teacher whose instruction on mindfulness and gratitude have applications for people of all denominations. Each affirmation is accompanied by an illustrated interpretation, ranging from the playful to the contemplative, rendered by one of 41 well-known artists and providing an engaging entry point for readers. Born in West Virginia, Trime encountered Tibetan Buddhism in the 1970s through the teachings of Choegyam Trungpa Rinpoche, one of the first wave of Tibetan teachers in the U.S. As a teacher, Trime brought a sense of humor and a no-nonsense, real-world approach to everyday spiritual practice. She taught for 15 years at the Princeton Buddhist Meditation Group and alongside Pema Choedroen at the Omega Institute, where she touched thousands of lives and was cherished by students for her clarity and down-to-earth talk. As Trime neared the end of her life, she collected the 52 most important teachings she learned during her 30 years of practice. Brought together in this beautiful gift book, these affirmations help readers focus on positivity, peace, and self-reliance.