Aqua One Ocellaris External Aquarium Fish Tank Canister Water Filter 400 L PH

Aqua One
4 Star Rating
(16 Reviews)
Aqua One Ocellaris External Aquarium Fish Tank Canister Water Filter 400 L PH

Aquariums need filtration to keep your fish friends healthy and beautiful. You want to enjoy looking at your clean tank more than you want to spend time cleaning it. Well, the Aqua One Ocellaris range is a great tool for keeping your aquarium clean, balanced and your aqua friends healthy.

The Ocellaris Desktop Canister Filter is an extremely quiet, energy-efficient and powerful pressurized filter, featuring easy to use technology.

The quick-release tap system ensures fast, easy and mess-free filter maintenance. A built-in primer cap makes it easy to get the filter primed and going. The desktop canister comes with Biological and Mechanical filter media which you need to establish your healthy Aquarium cycle.

2 + 1 Years Australian Warranty