Asparagus 'Mary Washington' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Asparagus 'Mary Washington' Seeds

Mary Washington is an heirloom variety that produces green spears, with dark green tips. The plants grow to a mature height of roughly 3 to 7 feet tall, and can take up a bit of gardening space, so growing them in a designated area is recommended. Once established, you will begin to harvest deliciously fresh Asparagus spears, year after year for about 15 years or more.

As explained above, Mary Washington will produce year after year and is categorized as a perennial vegetable. The plants will establish a deep root system in their initial year of growth, later wilting on the surface with the harsh temperatures of the Winter season. The plants will then regrow, displaying green foliage the following Spring and will produce light yields of crop within the second season. By the third season, you will be enjoying heavier yields of these delicious vegetables.

Growing Asparagus from seed


Start by soaking your Asparagus seeds in warm water for 12 hours prior to sowing. The seeds can also be prepped through a method of scarification as well. Sow your seeds indoors, in peat pots, 8 to 10 weeks prior to the last frost, or direct sow outdoors, when the weather has become warm. The seeds will need to be sown at approximately 1/2" deep. Transplant when all danger of frost passes.


Asparagus plants will thrive in the warm months of Summer and are best established in an area of full sunlight. They require a sterile soil, with no history of disease. You will also want to make sure that your sowing medium is well drained as well. To improve drainage, we recommend adding a light compost to any area that contains hard, compact soil. Water the seeds daily until germination has successfully occurred.


Asparagus seeds can be slow to germinate, typically taking up to 8 weeks. The plants will grow to a mature height of roughly 3 to 7 feet tall and can be spaced about 2 to 3 feet apart, in rows that are spaced about 3 to 4 feet apart. Harvest the spears by cutting near the crown. NEVER pull the Asparagus, as this can cause damage.


Mary Washington Asparagus is one of the most rewarding perennial vegetables available. They can be harvested lightly in the second year of growth, with a more heavy yield in its third year. To harvest your Mary Washington Asparagus, simply snap the spears near ground level. Avoid using a knife to prevent disease from one plant to another. NEVER Pull your Asparagus spears when harvesting as this can damage the plants.

To store, Refrigerate the spears in bags for up to 14 to 21 days.

Seed pack contains a minimum of x10 seeds and germination notes.