Assam Organic Supreme Black Tea - 100 gms Loose Leaf

the tea accent
Assam Organic Supreme Black Tea - 100 gms Loose Leaf

Assam Black teas are famed for their strong flavour and health benefits. Black Supreme tea is grown in the organic tea estates in Assam and procured from Second Flush leaves, which have golden tips resulting in great aroma. This is the perfect blend to kickstart the day with and feeling fresh and energetic. This tea is a favourite drink for fitness conscious people as it not only boosts metabolism but also helps keep cholesterol levels under control.

Ingredients: Black Tea

Brewing Instructions: Always use fresh water. Bring water to near boiling point (99 degree Celsius). Take 1 teaspoon / 1 teabag in a cup. Pour the heated water and steep the tea for 2-4 mins. Adjust the time of brewing as per desired strength.

Tea flavour enhances as it cools. Our teas can be re-brewed, just steep it longer for the second time.

Know more about this tea:

Assam tea is a variety of black tea made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica. It's traditionally grown in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, one of the largest tea-producing regions in the world.Assam tea is often described as having a malty flavor and a rich, savory aroma.

Black teas like Assam contain several unique plant compounds, including theaflavins, thearubigins, and catechins, which function as antioxidants in the body. Assam black teas may improve skin health as it's a natural source of vitamins A and E; both play an important role in improving skin health.

It warms up the body, Assam tea is a warm variant and helps concentrate heat within the body.

It may heal tooth cavity,Assam tea contains fluoride, an important element for strengthening teeth and boosting gum health.

Assam tea contains an optimal combination of caffeine and theanine, both of which improve cognitive function. Theanine is an amino acid that helps the mind relax, helping you increase focus to amplify your problem-solving abilities.