Atar Gull - Hardback

Titan Books Ltd
Atar Gull - Hardback

Product detail - Author: Fabien Nury | ISBN-13: 9781785867323 | Format: Hardback Publisher: Titan Books Ltd | Publication Date: 2019-09-10 | Pages: 96 | Product Dimensions: 216 x 284 x 12mm | Weight: 564g |

A man forced into slavery seeks cold-blooded revenge on those who took his freedom. From Fabien Nury, the award winning writer of the best-selling The Death of Stalin and Tyler Cross. Atar Gull is a Prince among his tribe, until he finds himself in chains, being exported to Jamaica like livestock, at the hands of the ruthless Captain Brulart. But Atar Gull is a patient man, and seeing his kin murdered around him is not enough to prevent him from biding his time. When that time does eventually come, revenge is bloody and thorough.