Australian Family Law 2ed : The Contemporary Context

Belinda Fehlberg
Australian Family Law 2ed : The Contemporary Context
Australian Family Law 2ed : The Contemporary Context
ISBN: 9780195574333
Publication Date: 28 November 2014

Australian Family Law encourages critical thinking and a wide understanding of contemporary Australian family law.

Description and analysis of the law is set in a broad context that includes policy debates surrounding the law and the family as well as discussion of relevant empirical and research.

Recent years have seen a burgeoning of empirical research relevant to family law and policy, and this research enables the authors to convey a rich sense of the law in action. The use of interdisciplinary materials means that the substantive law is presented in a highly contextualized way, which will appeal to a wide range of readers and enhance understanding.

The overarching theme of the book is the challenge of complexity in Australian family law, namely:

  • Structural complexity and fragmentationComplexity in law and process
  • Complexity in family forms and needs; andComplex interests

New to this edition

  • Comprehensively up-dated to reflect the latest family law changes and research findings
  • For both parenting and financial disputes, separate chapters providing: broader historical and empirical contextprocess for resolution
  • legal framework
  • specific issues
To get the most from Australian Family Law 2nd edition, read it in conjunction with Australian Family Law Teaching Materials 2nd Edition, which gives readers access to an expanded selection of primary and secondary materials.