Azeri Handwoven Wool Rug

Azeri Handwoven Wool Rug
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Bring style and excitement to your space with the authentic vintage tribal pattern accents of the Azeri Handwoven Wool Rug.

Heavyweight plush pile design handwoven by skilled artisans in India for superior craftsmanship and exceptional attention to detail.

Made from wool - a natural, renewable fiber for an eco-friendly and sustainable design choice.

Strength and durability of wool allows it to recover quickly from indents caused by furniture or footsteps to keep the rug looking fresher for longer and ensure years of use.

Anti-static and moisture-repellent properties of wool keep away dirt, dust, mold, and other allergens for your health and well being.

Tufted and knotted wool detailing brings a cosy, bohemian aesthetic to any room.


Available Size: 160 x 235 cm, 200 x 290 cm


1 x Azeri Handwoven Wool Rug