Baby DDrops Baby DDdrops Purple liquid vitamin D3 600 international units 100 drops (2.8 ml) 2.8ml

Baby DDrops
Baby DDrops Baby DDdrops Purple liquid vitamin D3 600 international units  100 drops (2.8 ml) 2.8ml

Sunshine Vitamin, 100 Drops 600 IU Each Drop Just One Drop Mom's Choice Awards Outstanding Honors factors that maintain good health Dietary Supplements European dropper technology Contents NSF tested and certified Vitamin D is formed in the skin when exposed to summer sun (UVB) and is found in only a few foods. Vitamin D is necessary for healthy bones and normal muscle function. Vitamin D can be measured with a blood test for 25-hydroxyvitamin D. The Institute of Medicine recommends that this level should be higher than 20ng/mL. Vitamin D supplements may be needed to boost 25-hydroxyvitamin D to healthy levels. The findings show that 25(OH)D blood levels above 20 ng/mL are associated with better health. Vitamin D3 supplements may be especially helpful for anyone avoiding sun exposure. Recommended use Adults and children over 1 yearTake 1 drop daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Can be placed on food, added to drinks or licked off of clean surfaces such as spoons. Other ingredients Fractionated coconut oil. Does Not Contain: Corn, casein, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulfites, wheat, yeast, preservatives, artificial colors or artificial flavors.