Batgirl Vol. 3 Point Blank - Paperback

DC Comics
Batgirl Vol. 3 Point Blank - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Jimmy Palmiotti | ISBN-13: 9781401265854 | Format: Paperback Publisher: DC Comics | Publication Date: 2017-01-24 | Pages: 288 | Product Dimensions: 169 x 259 x 11mm | Weight: 486g |

Cassandra Cain can't speak, read, or write. And that only makes her more powerful. Trained to use all her senses in order to enhance her fighting capabilities, Cassandra Cain pushes herself to every limit imaginable. When Vesper Fairchild is murdered, Batgirl, Nightwing, and their allies search for every possible clue that could lead to her killer. The whole Bat-family is on edge and prepared for anything, unsure who to trust and who to suspect.