Believing in Me

Believing in Me

Homeless at 13, pregnant at 14: life was not working out the way young Deborah Somorin had hoped. And yet, Deborah is now a chartered accountant at Ernst & Young, founder of housing body Empower the Family and mother of a 13-year-old.

How was this possible? It was down to two things: Deborah’s sheer tenacity and wonderful people – her ‘disruptors’ or ‘circle of allies’, as Deborah came to know them. These people gave Deborah what the care system didn’t: genuine care and the chance not only to survive but to thrive. Deborah now pays this forward for young people who are in the situation she once was.

Believing in Me is an incredible story that will inspire people everywhere to reflect on those who positively affected their lives and on how our own actions can make a significant impact on the lives of others.