BenQ WDC10 InstaShow Wireless Presentation System

BenQ WDC10 InstaShow Wireless Presentation System

From the beginning, the design of the InstaShow was built around two key principles - Security and Simplicity.

The goal: to enable a visitor to securely connect to a conference, meeting, or huddle room in less than 20 seconds without having to expose their device to any third party applications that could render it vulnerable.

One Button to Wireless Presentation With just a single button, InstaShow is an all-hardware solution that requires zero learning curve. Simply plug into your device to start wireless presentation instantly. There is no software to install, configure, or execute. Simply intuitive, anyone that tries InstaShow immediately knows how to use it for collaborative presentations.

3 Common Mistakes About Wireless Presentation
Secure Wireless Presentations Believe that wireless presentation systems are more expensive than cables.
Trust that all wireless HDMI systems are secure.
Assume that software is required to use a wireless presentation system.

Wireless presentation systems are rapidly replacing traditional wired conference room systems. They are easier to use, require little installation, don't require messy cables on the table, and are less expensive than a traditional control panel / AV Switcher.

InstaShow Innovates Your Meeting InstaShow is a wireless solution that ushers opportunities in network collaboration without additional facility investment or training. Everyone can enjoy simple and quick wireless presentations without awkward moments setting up, enabling instant teamwork for inspirational results.