Herd Mentality: Moosic & Moovies Party Game

Herd Mentality: Moosic & Moovies Party Game

4+ Players / 20 Mins / Ages 10+ Its like: Herd Mentality but about music and movies! Herd Mentality is back on the red carpet, with 200 questions all about music and movies. Grab a pen, think like the herd and write down the same answer as everyone else. LASOO BRAND NEW CONTENT If you loved the original Herd, you'll love this family game expansion pack - and if it's your first time, you're in for a great party game! BRING YOUR HERD TOGETHER Whether you're looking for a family game for big or small groups, there's loads of "You thought that!?" moments to share (like finding out Ringo is someone's favourite Beatle). A FAMILY GAME EXPANSION FOR EVERYONE Hundreds of questions designed for all the family, so there's no need to be a music or movie buff in this board game.

Expand your herd with the Herd Mentality: Moosic & Moovies Party Game Guess your friends' favorite tunes and films Enjoy a fun-filled game night with laughter and entertainment